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Pangea World Theater begins from the fundamental paradigm of multiplicity in the world. Since its inception, Pangea has continually redefined theater creation by exploring literature that crosses boundaries and traditions and by engaging in an inter-cultural and interdisciplinary process that delves into the urgent themes of our time.  
All of our programs are presented in conjunction with community-based activities that include workshops, Open Ensembles, discussions, and outreach to schools. These events set our works in their social, historical, and cultural contexts and provide an important link between the artists and the wider community.
2024-2025 Season Brochure-20240716coverweb.jpg

Lake Street Arts!

Connecting East African, Latina/o/x and Indigenous communities on Lake Street through community engagement and meditations on themes of home.

Alternate Visions

Supporting artists of color, immigrant and Indigenous writers in developing new plays and their craft.

Directing Institute

Supporting professional development and exchange among artists of color, LGBTQ2IA+ and women directors.  


Race North and South on the Great River

A creative forum for community members and youth from many diverse communities to dialogue about issues of race and its intersections

Indigenous Voices

Highlighting the diverse, contemporary work of indigenous theater and performance artists. 


Student & Elder matinees, artist workshop & residencies, and ensemble trainings dedicated to supporting lifelong learning through the arts.

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