Give your students the gift of theater!
Bring your class or group to a day-time matinee or evening performance. Meet the actors, director and the crew, and participate in post-play discussions and activities.
Education Matinees
Our matinees unfold the processes behind Pangea World Theater productions and offer content and educator support by providing material for active engagement, deep reflection, and relevance of the play today.
Educators will be provided with a study guide to support classroom discussions and activities well before the performance and once students have left the theater.
We also offer workshops around the themes of productions. These workshops can take place at your organization or at the theater after the performance.
Exclusive Group Rates
Affordable group rates are available! Tickets for students, teachers, and chaperones are $12 per person and one complimentary chaperone ticket per 25 students.
Tickets can be reserved by completing this form.
If you have any questions about the performance or workshops, please reach out to Sarah Tan (Education Lead) at sarahtan@pangeaworldtheater.org.
Spring 2025
Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco
Rhinoceros is a commentary on the rise of fascism and the dangers of conformity. It tells the story of a small French town where the residents begin turning into rhinoceroses one by one. As the play progresses, Berenger, the protagonist, becomes increasingly isolated and struggles to hold onto his own identity.
Performance Dates
April 4-19, 2025
Matinee Dates
April 9 and 16, 2025
Pangea World Theater Matinee Archive
Homo Dramaticus by Alberto Adellach
Death and the Maiden by Ariel Dorfman
Hecuba by Marina Carr
Sueño by José Rivera, an adaptation of La Vida es Sueño by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Don't Feed the Indians: A Divine Comedy Pageant by Murielle Borst-Tarrant
Mother Courage by Bertolt Brecht
Embedded by Pratik Motwani
Isla Tuliro by Marlina Gonzalez
5 weeks by Meena Natarajan
Sabra Falling by Ismail Khalidi